The ability to appears in more then one from that is polymorphism
Method name same with changing the number of argument name is call method Overloading in python. but in python Overloading achieve in other hand
class B10: def getName(self,fname): print(fname) def getName(self,fname,lname): print(fname,lname) b1=B10() b1.getName("Ashu") b1.getName("Arun","singh")
TypeError: getName() missing 1 required positional argument: 'lname'
class B10: def getName(self,fname): print(fname) class C10(B10): def getName(self,fname,lname): print(fname,lname) b1=C10() b1.getName("Ashu") b1.getName("Arun","singh")
TypeError: getName() missing 1 required positional argument: 'lname'
class B10: def getName(self,f=None,l=None,e=None,m=None): print(f,":",l,":",e,":",m) b1=B10() b1.getName() b1.getName("Arun") b1.getName("Arun","singh") b1.getName("Arun","singh","") b1.getName("Arun","singh","","9560822035")
None : None : None : None Arun : None : None : None Arun : singh : None : None Arun : singh : : None Arun : singh : : 9560822035
Method name same with same argument name is call method Overriding.
if we are overriding then our class method executed
if we are not overriding then parent class method executed
class B10: def getName(self,fname): print("same to same 1:",fname) def getName(self,fname): print("same to same 2:",fname) b1=B10() b1.getName("Ashu") b1.getName("Arun")
same to same 2: Ashu same to same 2: Arun
class B10: def getName(self,fname): print("Parent same to same 1:",fname) class C10(B10): def getName(self,fname): print("Child same to same 2:",fname) b1=C10() b1.getName("Ashu") b1.getName("Arun")
Child same to same 2: Ashu Child same to same 2: Arun
class B10: comName="TCS" comName="JTP" b1=B10() print(b1.comName)
if we are overriding then our class variable executed
if we are not overriding then parent class variable executed
class B10: comName="TCS" class C10(B10): comName="JTP" b1=C10() print(b1.comName)
class ABC10: def getAge(self): return 25 def getName(self): return "ninja" class XYZ10: def getAge(self): return 26 def getName(self): return "Ashu" # create one interface def getClassObject(obj): print(obj.getName()) print(obj.getAge()) # create the object xy=XYZ10() ab=ABC10() getClassObject(ab)
ninja 25